Hilda Rix Nicholas
28 October 2023 - 22 December 2023
Exhibition opened 28 October 2023 by Dr Gerard Vaughan AM, former Director National Gallery of Australia & National Gallery of Victoria.
Watch the video below of Dr Vaughan’s speech giving an insight into the art and life of Hilda Rix Nicholas. Alternatively, the entire video including the Directors Welcome can be viewed by clicking here.
Illustrated catalogue with essay by Dr Sarah Engledow, curator of the exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery in 2013, Paris to Monaro: Pleasures from the Studio of Hilda Rix Nicholas and an essay by conservator, Catherine Nunn exploring the artist’s techniques and materials in Morocco – to download the catalogue click here
Lauraine Diggins Fine Art wishes to acknowledge Bronwyn Wright for all her assistance in curating the exhibition. It has been exciting to put together such a diverse range of artworks spanning a long career and to support the artworks with photographs and in particular, costumes which are such an integral aspect of Hilda’s work.
We also wish to thank the private lenders who have generously allowed their artworks to be included in the exhibition and to present the artist in a fuller light.
We would also like to acknowledge Jan Pigot for her support of the exhibition. It is a delight to have the Gallery filled with artworks by Hilda Rix Nicholas over 20 years later from our previous exhibition, which coincided with the publication of John Pigot’s seminal book: Hilda Rix Nicholas: Her Life and Art. For those interested in reading further about the artist, there is a new book by Richard Travers published in 2021, The Life of Hilda Rix Nicholas.
To Take A Closer Look At… Hilda Rix Nicholas and read our essay – click here
(Knockalong Studio and Garden)
Hilda Rix Nicholas
(Moroccan Landscape)
Hilda Rix Nicholas
Afternoon Light – Rix Catching the Horse
Hilda Rix Nicholas
Brisbane from One Tree Hill
Hilda Rix Nicholas
Portrait of Fred Sutton
Hilda Rix Nicholas
Portrait Study Paddy Walcott
Hilda Rix Nicholas
Rain Clouds at Dawn, Mosman
Hilda Rix Nicholas
The Souk of Morocco
Hilda Rix Nicholas
Timber Mills Buladelah
Hilda Rix Nicholas
Young Arab Girl, Morocco
Hilda Rix Nicholas