Collectors’ Exhibition 2017
3 June 2017 - 29 July 2017
The Annual Collectors’ Exhibition 2017 will feature Australian colonial, impressionist, modern, contemporary and Australian Aboriginal painting, drawing, sculpture and decorative arts.
To download a copy of the illustrated catalogue please click here or contact the Gallery to obtain a copy.
“Exhibitions like this with its historical and scholarly underpinnings are really important … to shape our understanding of what’s happening now and reflect on what has been important.”
Listen to the opening speech by Doug Hall AM, former Director of the Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art and Australian Commissioner, Venice Biennale 2009 & 2011.
Still Life with Pears
Bessie Davidson
The Successful Touchdown
James Gleeson
Perceval and Williams at Yan Yean
Michael Ingleton
Yam Seeds and Flowers in my Grandmother’s Country (212070)
Elizabeth Kunoth Kngwarray
Faun and Nymph
Sydney Long
(An Australian Scene)
Artur Jose Loureiro
Hanna in the Gorse Bushes
Michael McWilliams
Mimih Woman and Two Njanjmah (Bush Cats)
Dick Nguleingulei Murrumurra
Mamandi Spirit Attacking Mimih Spirit
Nelson Maldjiwa Nayilibidj
Christopher Pease
Old Lady Selling Windmills at a Fair No. 1
John Perceval
Apple Trees
Emanuel Phillips Fox