Venus and Adonis Departing for the Hunt

Jacques Blanchard

Blanchard Venus and Adonis
Venus and Adonis Departing for the Hunt by Jacques Blanchard


Jacques Blanchard
Venus and Adonis Departing for the Hunt
oil on canvas
128 x 136 cm

This work was included in the Collectors Exhibition 2016 and is no longer on consignment with Lauraine Diggins Fine Art. For any enquiries, please contact the Gallery.

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private collection, France


The Matthiesen Gallery [text by Andrea Gates and Patrick Matthiesen], Myth and Allegory, London 2008, in particular pp. 20-25
Kazerouni, Guillaume Jacques Blanchard, au Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rennes, 2015

Further Information

Related Work:
Mars and the Vestal Virgin (1638, oil on canvas, 130 x 110 cm in the collection of The Art Gallery of New South Wales).

The subject of this picture is taken from Ovid¹ and illustrates the moment that the goddess, begging Adonis not to leave her for the hunt, knowing that he will never return, entreats a kiss from her reluctant and very mortal lover.

¹. Metamorphoses, Bk X: 708-739, ‘She warned him' ...'but his courage defied the warning.’

To view the full catalogue essay click here