Stephen Bowers and Mark Thompson discuss their artworks – on show until 7 December 2024

Watch videos of artists Stephen Bowers and Mark Thompson as they discuss the artworks in their current exhibitions of new ceramic work. Learn about the ornithological inspirations for the birds on Stephen’s ornate plates and how Mark has several pieces on the go at once and what drives him to keep creating. Ceramics by nature includes an element that is totally out of the artist’s control, as every time a piece enters the kiln there is an unknown factor. The artist has to be patient through the process, allowing the kiln to cool enough before seeing if everything has turned out as planned.

See our website to view the videos, preview the artworks in the exhibition and download the illustrated catalogues with essays by Leslie Ferrin and John Neylon. A video of the opening with remarks by Dr Damon Moon, prolific writer on ceramics, as well as a ceramicist himself, is also available to view.

Congratulations to Elizabeth – Finalist, Hadleys Art Prize

We are pleased to advise that Elizabeth Kunoth Kngwarray has been selected as a finalist in this years Hadleys Art Prize, showing at Hadleys Hotel, Hobart 3 – 25 August.

Elizabeth’s painting depicts the leaf, seed and flower of the bush yam, a tuber plant which is an important source of food and medicine. Elizabeth uses thousands of tiny flicks of colour to show the wind moving through the yam plant, producing a beautiful and captivating sense of movement as the coloured marks undulate across the canvas. Elizabeth Kunoth Kngwarray is from Utopia, N.T. following in the footsteps of the celebrated family tradition of painting.

LDFA Season’s Greetings

Lauraine Diggins Fine Art extends our warm wishes to all for a happy and safe festive season. We thank everyone who continues to support the Gallery and it has been a privilege to present the exhibition of artworks by Hilda Rix Nicholas. We have enjoyed meeting and speaking with many of you at art fairs in Melbourne and Sydney and look forward to bringing an ongoing selection of Australian art to you in the new year.

The Gallery will close for the extended summer break from Thursday 21 December and reopen Tuesday 30 January 2024. The best contact is via email during this time:

Image: Stephen Bowers Camouflage Plate Adelaide Rosella 2023 earthenware with underglaze decoration and clear glaze, diam: 33.5 cm

Hilda Rix Nicholas exhibition now showing at LDFA

HildaRixNicholas exhibition installation at LDFA
Hilda Rix Nicholas exhibition installation at LDFA

Our exhibition of paintings and drawings by Hilda Rix Nicholas is now on show after a crowded opening attended by the artist’s granddaughter, Bronwyn Wright and with introductory words by Dr Gerard Vaughan AM, former Director of the National Gallery of Australia and the National Gallery of Victoria. A video of this illuminating speech is available to view on our website, where you can also download the illustrated catalogue and read further about the artist with an essay by Dr Sarah Engledow and an insight into the artist’s use of materials in Morocco by conservator, Catherine Nunn.

HildaRixNicholas catalogue cover
HildaRixNicholas catalogue

The exhibition is enhanced by posters, photographs and costumes, giving background and context to the artworks which represent the diverse range of her long and successful career, from Paris to Morocco to Etaples and Brittany, as well as images of Mosman and travels in northern NSW, to her later images from her time at ‘Knockalong’, a sheep station in the Monaro region, including landscapes, portraits and images of her son Rix.

The exhibition is on show until 1 December.

For further details see our website